The Titans of technical analysis: "Ralph Nelson Elliott"

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Phân tích Kỹ thuật Giao dịch Phân tích thị trường Phân tích giao dịch Chính sách giao dịch Người mới bắt đầu Lý thuyết Sóng Elliott
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Elliott examined yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly and half-hourly charts of the various indexes covering 75 years of stock market behavior. By November 1934, R.N. Elliott's confidence in his ideas of what is sometimes called the Wave Theory had developed to the point that he presented them to Charles J. Collins of Investment Counsel, Inc. in Detroit. During the early 1940s, the Wave Theory continued to develop. Elliott tied the patterns of collective human behavior to the Fibonacci, or "golden" ratio, a mathematical phenomenon known for millennia as one of nature's ubiquitous laws of form and progress. Elliott then put together what he considered his definitive work, Nature's Law -- The Secret of the Universe. This volume includes almost every thought he had concerning his Wave Theory. As a result of Elliott's pioneering research, today, thousands of institutional portfolio managers, traders and private investors use the Wave Theory in their investment decision-making.
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