Thảo luận về các nhà môi giới

Good Day Traders!❤️

I trust you’re having a great time out there.

I’ve received numerous emails asking about the broker I use.

Below is a step-by-step guide to help you sign up with my preferred broker to get Instant market execution, zero spreads, instant withdrawal, deposits and lots more.

Sign up now and get your account ready to start making profits next week!

Step 1 of 3:

1. Click this link below:


2. Click on 'Create Account'.

3. Select your country, fill in your email and password and Click on 'Confirm And Continue'.

4. Fill in the verification code you received via email, but if you didn’t receive any code click on ‘Send to SMS’ and the code will be sent to you via SMS. Once you have filled in the verification code Click on 'Verify'.

*Step 2 of 3:*

1. Click on 'Start Verify'.

Click on 'Continue'. And follow the verification steps to verify your trading account.

*Step 2 of 3:*

You are almost done, go back to your dashboard area and you will see an account that has been automatically created for you, but for me I will recommend you create a classic pro account to enable you get a better spread for best trading.

Follow the steps below to create a classic pro trading account:

1.  Go to your dashboard section, Click on ‘ADD ACCOUNT' below the account that was automatically created.

2.  Scroll through the listed accounts and ‘SELECT’ Classic Pro.

3.  Select your preferred leverage and click on ‘CREATE ACCOUNT'.  Copy your login details and log into your MT4 or MT5.

Note: you can change your password as you desire at any time once your account is fully verified.

Congratulations! You have successfully registered with my recommended broker.

You can go ahead with funding immediately!

Welcome onboard, you are now set to trade profitably.

Bản quyền thuộc về tác giả

Cập nhật cuối cùng vào: 12:12 02/03/2025

188 tán thành
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