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  • [GERMAN] Webinar: Marc Lohner presents Sergej Wolf trades Eurex (Dax, EuroStoxx, and Bund-Futures)

[GERMAN] Webinar: Marc Lohner presents Sergej Wolf trades Eurex (Dax, EuroStoxx, and Bund-Futures)

In this webinar episode our TTP Host Marc Lohner has Trading Coach Sascha Finsterwalder as guest. The webinar series with Traders Talk senior trader Sergej Wolf. The former pilot has been a full-time stock market trader since 2018. He demonstrates how to trade Dax, EuroStoxx and Bund futures instruments in live sessions every Thursday. Learn something new by watching the Traders Talk senior trading mentor in action and gain better insight into the Eurex markets. Watch a real trading professional at work, watch Sergej Wolf trade and explain topics such as: Trade Management, Technical Analysis, Entry and Exit, Trade Planning and additionally gives insights into the institutional trading business. In this webinar you will learn how an institutional stock market trader thinks, how to read the market correctly and how different trading processes work. Take this opportunity to see an experienced trader in action! Join our webinar and have the opportunity to speak live with Sergej Wolf after the presentation!
marc lohner

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