1) Easily accessible
One of the places that is easiest for novice traders to access is the FX market. Traders can quickly open a forex account and begin trading with as little as $10 USD in money (Around RM43).

Online trading platforms allow traders to conduct trading operations and to access information on real-time market prices, market news, price charts, tools, and trading methods. Additionally, the currency market is accessible every day of the week, 24 hours a day. Forex traders are free to trade whenever it is most convenient for them.
2) Potential to earn money quickly

The foreign exchange market moves quickly and is very liquid. Profits can be made more quickly because to these features and the normal increased leverage of forex traders.
3) Leverage
The foreign exchange market moves quickly and is very liquid. Profits can be made more quickly because to these features and the normal increased leverage of forex traders.

Compared to other markets, the forex market offers far more leverage. Depending on the type of broker, traders may have access to margins that permit leverage of up to 1000:1.
4) Liquidity
The biggest market in the world is the forex market. This indicates that there is a tonne of trade liquidity, particularly in big currencies. Because the broker will typically take the opposite stance from trading when liquidity may be lacking in other parts of the market, traders who employ the "trading desk model" at a forex broker are typically granted ample liquidity to trade.
5) Technical Strategy  
Technical analysis is appropriate for the currency market. For example, price action is one technical strategy that forex traders frequently employ to make money. By merely applying technical analysis of price charts, forex traders can benefit.

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