Chương 26  Stress testing(2)

To circle back to the topic of stress, it's important to note that stress carries negative energy while challenges can bring about positive energy. Continuously dealing with negative energy can lead to tragic consequences in one's life. However, the reality is more complex than theory and different people have varying reactions to different stressors. People not only perceive stress sources differently but also have unique coping mechanisms. Some individuals perform best by avoiding stress as much as possible, while others thrive under pressure. For the latter group, advising them to remain calm and relaxed may be counterproductive as they tend to resort to last-minute measures. When living in an environment with low or no social pressure, self-destructive behaviors such as drug use, gambling, and aberrant sexual behavior may arise.
Maintaining a calm state of mind isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for relieving stress. Some individuals require calmness, while others need to combat anxiety caused by stress through an opposing approach. Many people attribute these differences to an individual's personality, but I believe that the term "personality" is abstract. Perhaps a more precise explanation would be the behavior differences caused by varying genes.
In fact, genes act as codes written by programmers. These codes combine to create instructions that dictate how our bodies synthesize substances necessary for life, such as amino acids and proteins. For instance, the Slc24A5 gene controls the precipitation of a certain type of melanin, which results in different skin colors among various races. Currently, there's no clear answer in genetic science as to whether a single gene can determine a person's personality. However, research has shown that personality differences are influenced by dozens, and even hundreds, of gene sets.
Returning to the topic of stress, from a fundamental perspective, if you are still able to maintain rational thinking, it indicates that the level of stress you are experiencing is moderate. Conversely, if you have lost the ability to think logically, it suggests that you have exceeded your capacity. However, the evaluation of whether you are capable of rational thinking can only be determined retrospectively. If you find yourself saying, "I don't know why I made such an irrational decision at that time," then it is crucial to reflect on the experience.
As we previously discussed, rational thinking is primarily governed by the prefrontal cortex of our brain, which also handles functions such as deduction, logical reasoning, and planning. If individuals react differently to stress, could it be inferred that the root of the problem lies in differences in the prefrontal cortex structures of different individuals? Pursuing this train of thought, we reviewed a vast amount of literature (as our research team lacks the technical and resource capacity to independently conduct related experimental research), and once again found that dopamine, a neurotransmitter, plays a crucial role in this process.
When traders experience uncertainty in their profits and losses, it triggers a significant release of dopamine. This neurotransmitter binds to specific dopamine receptors and is subsequently cleared away by dopamine transporters. The functioning of the dopamine system is determined by an individual's genome, leading to behavioral differences due to variations in dopamine secretion, receptor numbers, and transporter activities. For instance, individuals with fewer dopamine receptors may require large amounts of food consumption to promote dopamine secretion, leading to obesity. Conversely, low dopamine secretion can cause depression, while excessive dopamine transporter activity can result in long-term dissatisfaction./>/>/>/>/>

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