Chương 24  Passive Choice Theory

When I first delved into the field of psychology, I was immediately captivated by Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic tradition. His intriguing explanations and audacious hypotheses regarding psychological phenomena ignited my curiosity, and his work "The Interpretation of Dreams" served as a doorway to further exploration of psychology. However, as I delved deeper into my studies, I came to realize that Freud's theories were inadequate in explaining my personal experiences and challenges in life. This realization marked the beginning of my quest to explore alternative psychological theories, including the structuralism of Wilhelm Wundt, the functionalism of William James, the behaviorism of John Watson, the Gestalt psychology of Max Wertheimer, the humanistic psychology of Abraham Maslow, and the cognitive psychology of Jean Piaget. Each of these psychologists provided valuable insights and perspectives, and I came to realize that there was no single superior theory. The abundance of perspectives and theories within the realm of psychology can be overwhelming, but this led me to question why there were so many different schools of thought. As a result, I delved into the personal backgrounds of the psychologists who developed these theories and found an interesting phenomenon. The theories within psychology often reflect the personal experiences and values of their creators, who blend their beliefs and worldviews to establish a theoretical framework for understanding the human mind. This rationale is logical as it is impossible to extend beyond one's own imagination, which is rooted in personal experiences. Therefore, it is indisputable that most theories are projections of their founders' personal experiences.
In the 1950s, many Western countries embraced a severe parenting approach influenced by the behavioral psychology era. Behavioral psychologists, like John Watson, believed that parents should not comfort or soothe their infants but instead keep a distance to avoid spoiling them with excessive love and attention. When babies threw tantrums and cried, they were left to cry loudly until they exhausted themselves. Behavior psychologists thought this method would not only nurture independent and resilient personalities but also strengthen their lungs.
Today, many might find this parenting approach bizarre, but it's not surprising if you understand Watson's upbringing. Watson's mother was a strict teetotaler who revered the Bible, and happiness seemed like an emotion they both attempted to avoid. Those who grew up in such a rigorous environment are unquestionably the founders of behavioral psychology.
In my years of study, I chose cognitive psychology as my primary research focus. I started pondering a question: Why was I particularly drawn to the cognitive psychology school among so many psychological schools? In fact, whether you want to create a theory or agree with one, it involves projecting your own experiences. A theory that contradicts your experiences will not be accepted unless it has a significant impact and can overturn your perception of past events.
The concept of free will is widely believed to guide our choices as humans, but in reality, this may not always be the case. Often times, it is the path that chooses us, rather than the other way around. This is known as the passive choice theory.
In the realm of investment, there are countless theories and techniques such as value investing, trend trading, Elliott Wave theory, and various technical indicators and patterns. For beginners, the sheer number of options can be overwhelming, and they may seek to find the "best" theory to study in-depth. However, I believe that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, and we should instead focus on finding the theory that is most suitable for our individual needs and circumstances.
In the discussion that follows, we will explore how a trading coach can assist traders in identifying the most appropriate investment theory. As previously mentioned, there are two key perspectives to consider. Firstly, all theories are projections of the founder's personal/>/>/>/>/>/>

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