Chương 18  personality testing and stress training

As mentioned earlier, assessing a trader's psychological profile is critical for trading coaches, and this evaluation usually involves three levels. The first level involves the trader's self-reported psychological tests, which summarize their psychological traits through self-statement and process them into a specific psychological evaluation model to determine the trader's personality type. However, there are several key issues to consider, such as the possibility of traders hiding their core traits or adopting deceptive methods to distort certain traits. Furthermore, most people's self-evaluation is one-sided, so the trader's self-reported psychological test can only serve as a reference source and not a sole decision-making tool.
The second level of evaluation involves cross-examining situational analyses and self-reported psychological tests to determine a trader's core personality traits and their internal transformation patterns. According to personality psychology, human personality functions like a psychological model that processes and integrates external environmental information to produce specific behaviors. The trading coach's strength lies in their ability to determine how a trader's psychological model changes in different environments. For instance, a person's decision-making pattern in an anxious state will likely differ from that in a comfortable state.
Finally, the third level of evaluation pertains to the trader's stress training. This level involves exposing traders to high-pressure environments to test their resilience and ability to cope with stress. By analyzing a trader's behavior and performance under these conditions, trading coaches can further understand their psychological profile and make targeted adjustments to their training program. Overall, a comprehensive evaluation of a trader's psychological profile requires consideration of all three levels of assessment.
This means that a trading coach must not only have a general understanding of a trader's personality, but also specific knowledge of their individual patterns. From a technical perspective, the general/>/>/>

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