Chương 17  The trader trades by flipping a coin.

Many may question the legitimacy of using coin tossing as a reference for trading, and think of it as just another form of gambling. However, in my view, the essence of trading is indeed gambling, and only those who truly understand this statement can grasp the essence of trading. Successful traders engage in what is called technical gambling, rather than pure gambling.
Coin tossing trading training involves relying on the result of coin tossing as the main indicator for making directional decisions, while traders cannot choose the direction of entry but can choose the timing of the coin toss, set stop loss and take profit levels, and choose how to exit the trade. During the trading process, traders ignore factors such as transaction fees, spreads, and trading errors, and only observe the profit and loss of the price difference.
Although the rules of coin tossing trading training are simple, the significance behind such training lies in its role in building the foundation for skill training. Skill training is like building a house, where the foundation is laid first, and then built upon layer by layer. The purpose of skill training is to measure whether one can transform their understanding into their own actions, rather than simply understanding concepts. Coin tossing trading training is the most basic foundation, and if a trader can profit from coin tossing, they can surely succeed in more complex trading methods.
There are many aspects of skill training that cannot be explained in words and can only be understood through experience. Although I cannot describe these experiences in this book, I can offer insights from traders who have undergone coin tossing trading training for others to learn from.
Many may question the legitimacy of using coin tossing as a reference for trading, and think of it as just another form of gambling. However, in my view, the essence of trading is indeed gambling, and only those who truly understand this statement can grasp the essence of trading. Successful traders engage in what is called technical gambling, rather than pure gambling.
Coin tossing trading training involves relying on the result of coin tossing as the main indicator for making directional decisions, while traders cannot choose the direction of entry but can choose the timing of the coin toss, set stop loss and take profit levels, and choose how to exit the trade. During the trading process, traders ignore factors such as transaction fees, spreads, and trading errors,/>/>/>/>/>

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