Chương 15  Trading coaches(2)

I recall an incident when I was taking a walk in the park and came across a friend with a large dog. The animal, with its keen sense of smell, quickly approached me, and I instinctively took a defensive stance. My friend reassured me, saying, "It's okay, my dog is very well-behaved and never bites anyone." At that moment, I wondered how he came to the conclusion that his dog never bites anyone. Perhaps he evaluated the environment and the dog's emotional state to arrive at this conclusion, or maybe he simply thought that since it had never bitten anyone before, it never would (using historical data as a basis for predicting the future). If his conclusion was based on the former scenario, then it would have some reference value for me, but if it was based on the latter, then it wouldn't hold much reference value since anything can happen at any time.
These concepts are fundamental knowledge that coaches learn and are consistent with what other coaching books describe. However, as a trading coach, there are certain differences from coaches in other areas, such as those for businesses, athletes, or individuals.
To begin with, the primary responsibility of a trader coach falls under the category of risk management, which may seem confusing to some. It may be assumed that a trader coach should be part of logistical or administrative training positions. However, this decision was made with risk control in mind. Traditionally, risk control involves managing/>/>

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