Chương 4 Chapter One: A Trader's Journey of Growth
In the scientific realm, there are occasional occurrences where something once regarded as an error completely transforms an entire field, or a previously disregarded concept suddenly becomes the foundation of a new theoretical domain. Similarly, during our personal growth process, there is a constant cycle of self-reflection, where beliefs that were once cherished may be overturned in an instant, and those that were previously dismissed may be firmly held years later. We cannot always rely on the promises we made in our youth, as the individual who ultimately fulfills those promises may not be the same person who made them. Since human growth is a challenging and arduous journey, can a trader expect a smooth path of progress? The answer is clear: a trader's journey of growth is fraught with twists and turns. According to developmental psychology, human psychological states are lifelong and developmental, which means that every individual, at every stage of their life, must confront their own unique challenges. Similarly, a trader's growth journey is beset with different obstacles at different stages, some of which can be overcome independently, while others require external assistance.
It is widely held that novice traders often view trading as a straightforward task of buying and selling, but after conducting a certain number of trades, they may find it exceedingly challenging. However, those who persevere until the end will eventually find trading easy. Nevertheless, whether trading is perceived as difficult or easy is a subjective feeling that is influenced by one's mental state at the time, and there is no universally correct answer.
Many individuals mistakenly assume that a trader's growth is a linear process, applying a natural science understanding to a social science field. In natural science, events occur according to predictable rules, such as water boiling at 100 degrees Celsius or objects falling due to gravity. These events have a one-to-one correspondence with a close to 100% probability of occurrence. However, this logic does not hold true in social science. Applying the same method in social science, the outcome may not be the same. While some people may read Li Ka-shing's autobiography and believe that hard work leads to wealth, the reality is that many individuals work harder than Li Ka-shing and yet have significantly less money in their bank accounts than their ATM passwords have digits.
In the process of learning trade, the duration of trading experience does not necessarily correlate with expertise. Our research has indicated that in the early stages of trading, the time spent participating in trading and learning are positively related. However, this relationship is not valid after a certain point. As the saying goes, "age does not necessarily/>/>/>/>
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