章節 21  Training Points for Traders in Training

Before diving into the key points of training, I want to stress that as a trading coach, the most important skill is to build a strong relationship with traders. This has been the most significant lesson I've learned in my coaching career. Like most coaches, I've had regrets, including mistakes and missing out on developing potentially great traders. However, my biggest regret was an overreaction during a training session that damaged my relationship with a trader named Ni Zhongsheng.
Ni Zhongsheng had all the qualities to become an excellent mixed trader, but he had a rebellious personality. He dressed and acted carefree and insisted on doing things his own way to showcase his unique character. As a result, he was an outsider in the trading team. During a training session, Zhongsheng tried to secretly modify the core parameters of his trading model, which resulted in the entire trading team not fully following the strategy and missing out on potential profits. In fact, if we had followed his modified parameters, we could have avoided many risky market situations in the following months and reduced the drawdown by 3%.
My mistake was not dealing with my personal issues before work, and I completely lost control when faced with his actions. I am not sure what I said at the time, but I remember his reaction clearly. He did not argue or say much, but I knew this was his most extreme form of rebellion. After the training session, I sincerely apologized to him, but it was already too late.
In reality, coaching is similar to counseling in that it involves creating and utilizing relationships to facilitate the growth of the trainee. This type of relationship is delicate and can easily be broken, often with no chance of returning to the original state. Perhaps there were mitigating circumstances, or maybe it was just fate.
To get straight to the point, if we consider trading as a skill, what kind of brain transformation is required to master it? Before we explore this question, it's important to understand the basic learning patterns of humans.
Firstly, in terms of age, it's easier for humans to learn new skills before the age of 30, provided that they receive appropriate guidance. After the age of 30, the brain undergoes the first major loss of neurons, causing human personality traits to gradually solidify and the ability to learn new skills to decline, as well as the adaptability to new environments. By the age of 50, the brain will experience a second major loss of neurons, making it extremely difficult for individuals to learn new skills and change their thinking patterns. This is why older people tend to be more set in their ways, and there's a biological reason for this phenomenon.
In the field of psychology, many scientists have been studying the critical period for the brain to learn specific skills. This period refers to a time when environmental information received will affect specific neural circuits in the brain. When this period ends, the window will close. This theory was first proposed by Konrad Lorenz, who found that newly hatched goslings pay special attention to the first moving organism they see and imprint it as their mother in their brains. If the mother goose is moved away and replaced by another moving organism, the goslings will recognize that organism as their mother. Lorenz successfully used this window period to become the "mother" of a group of goslings, resulting in the first-ever scene of a group of goslings following a bearded scientist around. Another famous example is the study of male birds' vocalization. In this example, the critical period for the brain to learn vocalization is a few months/>/>/>/>/>/>

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