章節 13  Chapter three: Trader Training

With the emergence and development of postmodernism, many well-established academic schools of thought have started to question traditional notions of truth. Postmodernism, an important cultural and philosophical movement, has had a significant impact on literature, art, architecture, and various academic fields. In the latter half of the 20th century, with the advancement of science and technology, humanity transitioned from a modern society marked by the Industrial Revolution to a society marked by the high-tech revolution, which resulted in an unprecedented transformation of people's thinking and behavior. The term "postmodern society" has become a common one, and postmodernism argues that there is no unified truth to be discovered or pursued, and as such, there is no one right way of living. In this context, society's perspective has shifted from a "things-centered" view to a "people-centered" view. For instance, in the past, labor was regarded as a production cost in a product-oriented context, and hence, the term "labor cost" was commonly used. However, many years later, this term has been replaced by "human resources," indicating a change in the role of people as laborers from a cost to a resource.
In Alvin Toffler's 1982 book "The Third Wave," he suggests that human society has gone through two significant upheavals and is presently experiencing the third. The first upheaval was the rise of agricultural society, and the second was the Industrial Revolution hundreds of years ago, which almost completely disrupted the order established by agricultural society. The third upheaval is the post-industrial age, or what is sometimes referred to as the knowledge-based society, which once again upsets the rules that we had previously taken for granted.
Irrespective of whether it's the postmodern trend or the influence of the post-industrial era, it has prompted us to ponder over the concept of "humanity." This has led to the emergence of several professions, and coaching is the focus of this chapter. Many aspiring traders want to shorten the process of achieving their dreams, and this is where a trader coach plays a crucial role.
However, I believe that there is a misconception about coaching among the public. For instance, people who want to learn how to play the piano may seek out a piano master for apprenticeship or ask a renowned basketball player to teach them how to play. While this seems like a logical approach as these individuals have achieved success in their field, they may not necessarily be good at imparting knowledge to others. The question then arises, should we learn basketball from Michael Jordan or from Jordan's coach?
In my experience, we often idolize star traders and overlook the behind-the-scenes heroes. To win a game, what the audience sees is the players continuously scoring and leading the team to victory. However, to truly understand the game, experts look at the team's cooperation, strategic layout, tactical choices, and the coach's style. Watching for excitement is just killing time, while observing the keys can truly improve oneself.
This is also why I believe that my period as an assistant trader coach was the fastest period of improvement for trading, rather than when I was a trader myself. It's essential to understand that coaching is an/>/>/>/>/>

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