Bab 1  What is cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a currency… well it’s a digital currency that has no physical meaning or feel. It is a virtual currency that is secured by cryptography. This makes the currency secure, ALMOST impossible to steal and counterfeit along with spending it more than once.

There are a lot of terms and definitions that we need to understand for cryptocurrency.

The hope and goal of crypto are that we decentralize currently rather than using the current “fiat” system.

Overall A LOT of cryptos are in themselves decentralized networks that are based on blockchain technology. To give you a short understanding of blockchains. They have distributed databases that are shared among the nodes of a computer network. This goes further, in that as a database, the blockchain will store info in a digital format. The goal here is to maintain a secure but also decentralized record of the transactions. Another aspect is that with this blockchain innovation there is a guarantee the fidelity and security of a record of data generate trust without the need for a trusted third party.

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Pendedahan Risiko

Berdagang dalam instrumen kewangan melibatkan risiko tinggi termasuk risiko kehilangan sebahagian, atau semua, daripada jumlah pelaburan anda, dan mungkin tidak sesuai untuk semua pelabur. Sebarang pendapat, sembang, mesej, berita, penyelidikan, analisis, harga, atau maklumat lain yang terkandung di Laman Web ini disediakan sebagai maklumat pasaran umum untuk tujuan pendidikan dan hiburan sahaja, dan tidak membentuk nasihat pelaburan. Pendapat, data pasaran, cadangan atau apa-apa kandungan lain tertakluk kepada perubahan pada bila-bila masa tanpa notis. tidak akan bertanggungjawab untuk sebarang kehilangan atau kerosakan yang mungkin timbul secara langsung atau tidak langsung daripada penggunaan atau pergantungan pada maklumat tersebut.

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