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Rex on Blockchain

0 kerja 505 pelanggan

31 penilaian

专注于区块链知识分享,让更多人了解区块链技术,精准把握行业发展方向,便是我希望带给大家的。 授人以鱼不如授人以渔,这在我的认知内,是一件意义非凡的事情。 关于本人: 波士顿大学经济系荣誉毕业 (BA+MA)(Hons),前哈佛商学院研究助理。热衷于一切推动人类向前的事物。 欢迎订阅留言,我们一起交流,一起进步。

股哥讲股@Homily chart

0 kerja 504 pelanggan

49 penilaian

主要是为股票投资者学习股票投资获利的理论,知识,实战,心态,策略,战法而设立的 也欢迎大家来评论留言,留下你的股票投资问题,我会手机和总结,用来做成影片来回答和解决您的股票投资问题 视频多数以技术分析为主,会结合实事来分析相关的行业走势以及个股的走势

Cryptocurrency Market

0 kerja 413 pelanggan

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OUR VISION: To accelerate the adoption of blockchain technologies. OUR MISSION: To bring awareness of bitcoin, blockchains, and cryptocurrencies to the public. This channel is about making life changing money in crypto and NOT a crypto 'tech' channel!

LA Blockchain Summit

0 kerja 2.8K pelanggan

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LA Blockchain Summit is the premier blockchain technology and investment conference in the US. November 2-4, 2021. About this Event LA Blockchain Summit (formerly Crypto Invest Summit) is produced by Blockchain Venture Studio Draper Goren Holm. This 8th edition of the summit is another exclusive, curated, high impact and thought-provoking event presented by some of the world's foremost innovators, change-makers and prominent leaders in the blockchain ecosystem. Described by Inc. Magazine as 'A can't miss conference in 2019 that will improve your business life.'

Crypto Kirby Trading

0 kerja 505 pelanggan

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The technical analysis on this channel is completely speculative and does NOT guarantee any specific result or profit. The technical analysis on this channel has NO proven rate of accuracy and past performance is NOT indicative of future results. Do NOT trade or invest based upon the analysis presented on this channel. Always do your own research and due diligence before investing or trading. I’ll never tell you what to do with your capital, trades or investments. I’ll also never recommend for you to buy, sell, long or short any asset, commodity, security, derivative or cryptocurrency related instrument as it's extremely HIGH RISK! You should always consult with a professional/licensed financial adviser before trading or investing in any cryptocurrency related product.

Action Studio

0 kerja 503 pelanggan

9 penilaian

I created this account to share my successes, shortcomings, and experiences with marketing, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and real estate. I want to support others who are considering getting into these businesses and provide insight so others can succeed where I may have failed in the past. so I think it's a good idea if you subscribe like all the cool people already have.

JB crypto 區塊鏈比特幣

0 kerja 1.2K pelanggan

38 penilaian



0 kerja 504 pelanggan

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区块链行业下的无声捕食者-币圈最美 您好,我是币圈最美。曾就职于知名投行robeco,目前在数字货币领域做短线及长线交易分析。


0 kerja 502 pelanggan

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五大投资理念: - 专注科技赛道,科技是第一生产力。只有科技可以颠覆现有经济模式 - 找准趋势,人工智能,区块链,自动驾驶,2C互联网,航空航天,生物健康科学 - 必须有爆发力,想象力。不投资一眼可以望到头的公司 - 赚钱模式简明易懂。看不懂的公司大多是圈钱的 - 少量投机,控制风险,用类似VC的投资方式投资毛票 Disclaimer: This is a YouTube video for entertainment purposes only. The content in these videos shall not be construed as anything other than an opinion for entertainment purposes only. I am not a financial advisor, CPA, attorney, insurance agent, or lender. 所有视频仅为娱乐目的, 绝非投资建议.


0 kerja 155 pelanggan

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Ever since Satoshi created Bitcoin, the entire world has been fascinated by blockchain technology. The deeper I learnt about it the more absorbed with this tech. That’s why I’ve been sharing my understanding of the blockchain and the creation of here. Now I’ve been posting blockchain-related contents systematically, including technical knowledge, news review and projects analysis. The world of the blockchain is dynamic, so we may not satisfied with an abstract knowledge of the blockchain. Its application in the real world is of huge benefits to know. Meanwhile, different projects abound in the blockchain world are appallingly unequal in terms of quality. I will peel those projects gradually, to help blockchain lovers better understand projects.

The New Era of Blockchain

0 kerja 502 pelanggan

13 penilaian

Hello Everyone ! I'm Mirza Usman From Pakistan , Student of Computer Science. I'm Technology Enthusiastic. I will Create Content about Blockchain , Supply Chain , Ethereum , Hyper Legder , Corda , Ripple and Many Other Blockchains. Blockchain is going to revolutionized our Future. We're Living in the Digital Era of Technology. So Guys i you wanna Learn What is Blockchain and How it works , Please subscribe my channel and Share with others too.

New Kids On The Blockchain

0 kerja 175 pelanggan

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Let The New Kids On The Blockchain be your guides through the world of everything Blockchain and Crypto. Whether you need the latest news on Bitcoin ( BTC ), Bitcoin Cash ( BCH ) , Ripple (XRP) or maybe altcoins on the Ethereum ( ETH ) blockchain are your thing or a passion for privacy or stable coins , we've got you covered! EOS, Cardano (ADA) or maybe Tron (TRX) Interviewing thought leaders and the best projects in the space, we bring you all the latest knowledge. The New Kids On The Blockchain are award-winning documentary filmmakers Ashley Pugh and Lisa Downs , who along with the channel are also currently in post- production for a feature documentary on the rise and (possible) fall of the ICO. The New Kids On The Blockchain - A savage journey to the heart of Crypto and ICO mania.


0 kerja 138 pelanggan

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Bukhari Forex Academy

0 kerja 502 pelanggan

34 penilaian

One skill every trader needs is the ability to analyze data quickly. There is a lot of math involved in currency trading, but it is represented through charts with indicators and patterns from technical analysis. To the inexperienced eye, the data is worthless, consequently, traders need to develop their analytical skills so they can first understand the charts and develop their own technique to study the trends and patterns, presented by the charts. This is the stage of technical analysis. The better you can understand the data presented, the more effective decisions you can make, in terms of whether the trade is worth taking, or moving onto another currency pair, and analyzing those. Bukhari FX Academy are proficient with their technical analysis, and then combine that with certain indicators, to predict a profitable trade, based on the systems they are using.


0 kerja 501 pelanggan

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Founded by CEO Clay Hodges, Ronin Forex is a rapidly growing educational trading program designed to both teach advanced trading strategies and how to become a funded trader.

The Blockchain Socialist

0 kerja 502 pelanggan

4 penilaian

Hi, I'm the writer and podcaster for The Blockchain Socialist, a place to discuss the intersection of blockchain and left-wing politics. I publish articles about my thoughts on what's going on in the blockchain / cryptocurrency world on my blog and Medium. Most of my podcasts are interviews with academics, activists, or people working on interesting blockchain / DLT projects that I think the left should be aware about and sometimes I do solo episodes where I talk in detail about a specific topic in blockchain.


0 kerja 501 pelanggan

12 penilaian

本人专注美股技术面分析, 主打短线,讲究快速盈利。包括SCALPING, DAY TRADING ,SWING TRADING. 消息面以及基本面并非选股重点。不定期推荐股票。纯粹分享,感谢大家指正交流。
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Pendedahan Risiko

Berdagang dalam instrumen kewangan melibatkan risiko tinggi termasuk risiko kehilangan sebahagian, atau semua, daripada jumlah pelaburan anda, dan mungkin tidak sesuai untuk semua pelabur. Sebarang pendapat, sembang, mesej, berita, penyelidikan, analisis, harga, atau maklumat lain yang terkandung di Laman Web ini disediakan sebagai maklumat pasaran umum untuk tujuan pendidikan dan hiburan sahaja, dan tidak membentuk nasihat pelaburan. Pendapat, data pasaran, cadangan atau apa-apa kandungan lain tertakluk kepada perubahan pada bila-bila masa tanpa notis. Trading.live tidak akan bertanggungjawab untuk sebarang kehilangan atau kerosakan yang mungkin timbul secara langsung atau tidak langsung daripada penggunaan atau pergantungan pada maklumat tersebut.

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