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We trade gold for many reason the first reason is it's consider the first save heaven instrument in forex market trading strategy supply and demand based on market need and trend following .
Copyright reserved to the author
Last updated: 10/25/2023 16:18
Personally, I don't trade Gold because it is very volatile and it is HIGHLY MANIPULATED! Why do I say so? It is because Gold is backed by nothing, there is no country that uses gold for transactions or there is no "central bank" for gold, this is why the moves for gold is solely depending on the strength of the USD. The US can choose to strengthen the USD so that Gold price moves down or weaken the USD so that Gold price moves higher.
My advice to trading gold would be following the trend, whatever you are trading it is best to follow the trend as it increases the odds and probability of your trade working out.
Copyright reserved to the author
Last updated: 10/24/2023 15:11
Gold is high volatile asset. News trading is also good stratergy to trade gold
Copyright reserved to the author
Last updated: 10/20/2023 03:30