my trading history

One person talks about things

The rise and fall of the price forms a trend, the inertia of the trend drives the price to rise and fall, and the rise and fall of the price changes the trend-the trend is such a reincarnation. Slowly establish your own trading rules from the graphics. In fact, the hardest part of the real offer is the self-control of human nature and emotions.

Discipline and mind control come first and foremost. However, there is a premise that you must have a complete and market-tested trading system, otherwise, there is a danger of becoming empty talk. This is the same as it is useless for rich people to talk about money. You must have this thing first before you can say that this thing is not important.


The establishment of the trend system framework: You have a trading framework, and you know when to stop loss and when not to stop loss. Most people lose because of stop loss, you stop loss randomly, you stop the loss of orders that do not need stop loss, because stop loss, when faced with orders that need stop loss, you don’t stop loss, carry dead weight, and increase positions If you die, you will lose a lot. Everything has been improved with the establishment of the trading framework. Trade within the framework and circle the market within your framework. With the framework, you will find out how the market goes, and you can understand the market. How the market goes is in your plan and within your expectations.

In a word, use rules to solve stop loss and open positions, use trends to solve stop profit, use trends to explain probability, use probability to solve beliefs, and use profits to increase confidence.

A set of trend ordering system, a proven and stable profitable system, plus trading rules, plus fund management, multiple varieties, and risk diversification... Take advantage of probability, and stick to it for a long time.

growth process

In the first 1-2 years, it should be said that we are in the stage of struggling. Officially have a set of their own feasible trading system and a decent mentality. It should be in the third year (of course, the kind of madman who studies more than 10 hours a day is not ruled out. In this case, the cycle is greatly shortened) and formed his own trading philosophy. After reviewing the market, I found a way to make a profit on the graph.

In the 4th and 5th years: spend more than a year to improve the system, refine the system, and constantly fight against yourself. In the fifth year, I know that I have the ability to make a profit (the profit here refers to a stable profit, which is calculated in years, not a month or a few months). Technically, getting out of the chaotic state, knowing right and wrong, and leaving the framework is all nonsense. Any firm offer transaction is actually not difficult, the difficulty is yourself.

Years 6 and 7: Solved my various psychological barriers , straightened out the psychological barriers brought about by speculation, refined my technology, and deepened my understanding of the market.

Ten years later: Within the framework, I have a more flexible approach to single-handed operations. Observance of discipline depends on awareness. I understand that right and wrong in the market are relative, and the ways to make money in the market are diverse. Formed their own views of right and wrong, suitable for themselves may not be suitable for others.


Feelings after getting started

After getting started, you have to face human nature and execution, fear and greed, and yourself. You will find that there are two selves fighting with yourself. After getting started, you have your own system and rules, and you have a framework for ordering. However, due to insufficient cultivation of my own human nature, due to the uncertainty of market conditions, the nature of pursuing perfection, the complexity of human nature, and the fluctuations in market prices.

Therefore, even if there is a system, it will not be implemented, and the implementation will not be thorough, so you should:

First, continue to practice human nature, give yourself enough time, let yourself believe in yourself, and use time to let yourself do it.

Second, the inflexible execution and the nature of pursuing perfection will make you give up the system you have worked so hard to build, continue to pursue a more perfect system, and walk out of the gate again.

In the end of the transaction, the more you will understand the importance of human nature. When you realize the transaction, you will find it very difficult to execute. If the problem of human nature is not solved, it is very difficult to make money. Generally, it is seen after the market. Money is so close to you, you can’t do it, and you don’t do it thoroughly. Becoming a phase problem that haunts itself.

The method of trading profits is against human nature, against the human nature of most people. So this is also one of the reasons why trading is difficult. The attitude towards the market: how will the market go? You are at a loss. I thought in my heart that I really don’t know, and at this time you will be. You give up your subjective thinking and completely listen to the market. Because you have jumped out of the market guessing stage. You don't care how the market goes, you don't know, you really don't know. But you know it in your heart, and I know how to do it. You don't care about fundamentals, technical aspects, news, news, market sentiment and other things. You don't care too much, which only adds to the chaos. You don't care about how the market will go tomorrow, and you don't have to stay up late at night to watch the external market, so you can sleep peacefully.


The process of trading learning is a process of becoming simple, one is technically simple, and the other is mentally simple. Only by doing these two things can the transaction be truly simplified. Trading is complicated if you make it too complicated. If you look at trading as simple, then trading is simple.

Trading is a bit simpler, nothing more than rising and falling, 2 directions. Then the transaction becomes easier. In fact, you don't have to know the essence of speculation. Behind the price fluctuations, you only need to know whether the price has risen or fallen. If you have to be complicated. The price has risen, do you have to figure out why it has risen? Fundamentals? policy? funds? The more you think about it, the more complicated it gets. The more references you have, the more complicated it becomes.

In trading, you will definitely go through such a stage: stable losses, how to do how to lose is a habit.

From simple to complex and from complex to simple

The learning process of trading is from simple to complex, and then from complex to simple. Most people only achieve technical simplicity.

How simple is it technically? Find a set of your own basis for order making, a basis for order making that can be stable and profitable. It has been tested and tested in actual combat. Some people call it a system and others call it a rule. In short, it is your own basis for order making. Then convince yourself to trust him and rely on him.

Don't believe those mysterious tactics and secret indicators, they are just the basis for making orders. You can name your system and indicators "God-like indicators or God's hand".

But the mentality is complicated, and most people lose money because the mentality is too complicated.

Everyone has this experience. When you first start trading, you might still make money, make money in a daze, and even make a lot of money. After a period of time, after being taught a few times by the market, I realized my ignorance, so I found books by myself and went to the forum to learn. The result is that the more you learn, the more you lose money, and you will lose money no matter what you do. Losing money has become a normal state until you lose all your funds.

Stable loss is a habit, the more you do it, the more you lose, the market is the same as doing it right. What caused the steady loss? Human nature, human nature, human instinct. A normal thing becomes your speculative weakness in speculation, as well as your inertial thinking and behavior, a series of factors, causing you stable losses, how to do what you lose.

Human nature is like the gravity of the earth, which catches you and prevents your speculative dreams from taking off. It seems that this period of time is the dark period of futures, a period of time when there is no hope and no light. This stage is eliminated.

How can the problems of human nature be solved? Relying on the system and rules, when you have a system, you will find mentality problems. How to solve mentality problems and self-regulation? Waiting for a series of problems, you need to continue to solve. The longing for happy trading, easy trading, and confident trading is a manifestation of a person's maturity, stability and profitability.


Trading is simple and easy, but it is also difficult to say. If you have been trading for more than 5 years, you ask him, what is the main reason for your loss? No one said it was because of technology, they all said it was mentality and execution. Everyone has their own favorite indicator or signal. The technology of trading is not difficult, what is difficult is to take a step forward.

In the face of losses and stop losses, everyone has fluctuations and emotions in their hearts. Learn to adjust your mentality.

A mature, stable and profitable person has a calm mind. Some people say that a trader has to go through a few more cycles than most people, because he has walked the path he should go, and experienced the test of life after death. Therefore, his mentality has improved and his heart has grown.

The secret of trading profits lies in those nonsense, among those correct nonsense, because you don't have sword skills, even if you tell you sword formulas, you can't use swords. When you make stable profits, you will find that the philosophy of many people to make profits is The same is even the same, but the words are different.

You must have an effective price tracking system, and more importantly, a good fund management and risk control mechanism, treat transactions with a "dispersed" and "persistent" perspective, and have a long-term probability advantage in the speculative market, rather than putting all your eggs in one basket. That's what financial transactions are all about.

For most and normal people. Only after about 3 years of experience can you form your own system and rules before you get started. If you want to really make money, it will take about 2 years to transform the system into behavior. Therefore, most people, ordinary people, want to make money from trading. It takes about 5 years. It does not rule out that there are people who are lucky or extremely smart, or people who are guided by experts, or people who have sufficient funds and are not afraid of losses. , breaking this time frame. With the guidance of an expert, the road is the fastest shortcut, which is equivalent to the fastest way you have traveled for more than ten years, but the biggest problem is that such an expert is hard to come by, depending on fate.

It is a process to establish a correct trend trading concept, to form a trading system, and then to specify rules, and then put it into practice, constantly restrain one's human nature, and fight against oneself. This is a process of learning, a process of experience, a process from complex to simple, a process of human experience, a process of constantly improving system rules and reshaping oneself.

The process of building a system, in simple terms, is divided into three steps: ① Once you have a system, opening a position is your first step, because opening a position is either missed, or it is too early, or you will face a stop loss after opening a position In the face of losses, you will be afraid, you will be afraid, you will be timid, and you will not dare to enter the order. You must overcome your fear.

②The second step is to stop the loss, which is even more difficult, because it is possible to stop the loss and the price will come back, or it is possible to continue to lose without stopping the loss, and it is impossible to do the best. Stop loss is not only a loss, but more importantly, a blow to you, a psychological blow. Can you be very rational and not trade retaliatoryly? Do you still have the courage to open a position when you face the opportunity to open a position again? If the stop loss can be done well, basically no loss can be achieved, which is also a sign of entry. Stop loss, once there is a mature system, the stop loss becomes clearly visible: when to stop the loss, when the loss is temporary, and when to stop the loss to chase after the order.

Here comes the question, what if you are not given a chance to stop the loss? For example, institutions take extreme measures, opening sharply higher or lower, or diving sharply, leaving you too late to stop losses. Once a person stops losing control, there will be a kind of gamble, let it go, let the loss continue to expand, and finally the amount of emotional breakdown. You start to regret that you didn't stop the loss in time. Stop loss has become more important in your mind, so there is a slight price rebound, and you will stop loss. This is the result that other organizations want, washing dishes.

The problem comes again, that is, the stop loss back and forth, which is also a problem for many people. As soon as the loss is stopped, the price comes back;


Stop loss is inevitable, because no one can be right. If you want to make money, you can only rely on less stop loss and more stop profit, or small stop loss and big profit. Finally, when encountering extreme market conditions, there must be means to deal with them. Therefore, once the problem of stop loss is solved, it proves that your system has also been improved, and the stop loss can be achieved and implemented, and you will not lose money, which also means getting started.

As long as you have gone through the first and second steps, you will find, "Hey, you can basically make no losses", and you will gradually become confident. When you lose money, you are equally confident, and you can even lose money. Turn stop loss into profit.

③ The third step is that you have patience. You can be patient without opening an order for several days. Once you seize the opportunity, you can attack continuously. You have found the so-called rhythm, and you can wait for the opening with the smallest stop loss. When faced with a stop loss opportunity, you can cut it without hesitation. Not only will you not feel sad, but you will be very happy.

These are fragments of the process of psychological maturity, and also my true psychological feelings and process.

However, after establishing the system, you may not have a big profit, let alone great success, and you may even fail to execute it in the middle, because there are still some steps that have not been resolved, and that is the problem of belief.

After going through it, doing it based on feeling, looking for the system to do it randomly, and finally continuously precipitated it, forming its own trend order system, and constantly sharpened and precipitated. Now I can wait and dare to chase, and the order-making is becoming more and more mature.

It is a process to establish a correct trend trading concept, to form a trading system, to make specific rules, and then to put it into practice, to constantly restrain one's human nature, and to fight against oneself. This is a process of learning and experience The process is also a process from complex to simple, a process of human experience. A process of constantly improving the rules of the system and reshaping itself.

Copyright reserved to the author

Last updated: 09/05/2023 16:14

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