#Precious Metals

71 Following 17 Works


Kirin 赢和麒麟

1 work 531 subscribers

1700 ratings


مال وأعمال

0 work 508 subscribers

152 ratings

قناة مــال وأعـمـال تهدف إلى تثقيف الفرد العربي من كافّة الجنسيات مالياً بحلقة جديدة كل يوم سبت وثلاثاء عن الأسواق المالية وقصص الشركات وتحليل أسهمها وكل ما يحتاج أن يعرفه المستثمر اشتراككم بالقناة هو دعم كبيييير لنا ونشكركم عليه ولا تنسوا الإعجاب بحلقاتنا إن استمتعتم بها ونشرها لمن يستفيد منها

Badshai trading

0 work 393 subscribers

456 ratings

Hey Trader's, Welcome to Badshai trading, The only channel which share the best way of trading on naked charts. Types of videos you will find in our channel: Intraday Trading, Live Trading, Swing Trading Strategy, Price action.


0 work 506 subscribers

52 ratings

每天簡單分析黃金走向 基本上做的交易都是跟美元有關,比較少做交叉貨幣對 沒有艱深的基本面經濟數據,沒有複雜的指標運用探討 跟著阿文簡單的從K線圖表每天在市場賺美金 希望此頻道可以幫助大家每天一起在市場上獲利賺美金唷~~~

Satoshi Stacker

0 work 505 subscribers

1295 ratings

I dont like snapchat I am talking about the latest in the world of Crypto, Bitcoin and Altcoins. On here you will find the hottest new altcoins aswell as everything you need to know to stay informed. All opinions are my own and not financial advice


0 work 502 subscribers

3 ratings

金融市場技術分析,專注美股與加密市場。 TA TESTING 目前為幣安(Binance)在台灣市場合作分析師,努力提供社群一個理解加密市場、學習市場分析的一個健康管道。 Trust but Verify.

Robot House of Forex

0 work 423 subscribers

122 ratings

Educational videos and information about earning passive income through trading on the Forex currency market.


0 work 158 subscribers

197 ratings

各位朋友大家好,我是姚謙,這裡是我的YouTube頻道 團隊往返紐約/倫敦/香港/新加玻/上海,為全球觀眾提供服務 海外期市團成立於2016年從亞洲出發,並於2018年成立YouTube頻道 作者曾任香港對沖基金交易員,現任職美國創投基金&金融講師 將分享國際市場內容給投資朋友參考,讓您的投資多元化國際化 多認識一個朋友就多一次獲利的機會,認識全球市場也是一樣道理 希望能給投資朋友更廣的國際觀,達成長期穩定的獲利 本頻道從實戰出發!提供【全球期貨】、【全球股市】(A股、港股、美股)...等諮詢服務,歡迎大家踴躍詢問


0 work 1.3K subscribers

28 ratings

大葉大學推廣教育處 專案經理
恰克很匯結構交易學院 執行長
志光教育科技集團 行銷企劃副主任
港商展豐資本股份有限公司 投資長
有福國際貿易股份有限公司 金融策劃部經理
大葉大學,財金系程式交易 業師

【群益期貨合法外匯保證金】外匯小精靈 元元

0 work 502 subscribers

46 ratings

國內第一家合法外匯保證金期貨商-群益期貨 合法外匯保證金專員:吳元元 選擇合法外匯平台,保障您的資金安全 選擇合法的外匯專員,解決您所有交易上的疑難雜症

Sasha Yanshin

0 work 220 subscribers

273 ratings

Sasha Yanshin is all about managing money, financial products and making money online. The best info about personal finance, wealth and being smart with money. I have spent my whole career working in banks and the financial services industry and I have designed, built and launched credit cards, current accounts, loans, mortgages and other financial services products for many of the leading companies in the UK and around the world including Mastercard, HSBC, Capital One, Bank of America and Barclays as well as many challenger banks and fintech startups. I now want to use the experience I have built up and my in-depth knowledge of exactly how the financial services industry works to give you the best advice that is based on facts and the many small things that can make a big difference to how you manage your money.

三藏的财富频道 - SZ Investment Channel

0 work 197 subscribers

93 ratings

欢迎来到三藏的成长频道~ 我个人是希望在这个频道做一系列有关不同公司的基本面,以及财报分析,希望能够为一些没有时间读财报研究公司的朋友 提供一些有用的信息,让大家的投资过程更加理性。帮助大家在投资的路上不迷路。 这个频道由三藏(三藏的媳妇取自 百股精 的谐音梗,以后就改回三藏或者其他名字了,还在想)和城哥一起运作,我们两人都是投资爱好者,A股,法国股票以及美股都有投资,2012年开始第一次股市投资。三藏的专业是传媒,负责视频的大部分工作。城哥的专业是工科,目前在银行做IT咨询,负责打杂,以后亦有可能在视频中和大家见面。 十分感谢大家的厚爱,以后会做出更好的内容回馈大家。 希望能和大家一起进步,加油! 订阅免责声明: 本频道所含的任何信息均不构成提供或试图提供购投资意见。感谢大家。

CA Varun Agarwal

0 work 345 subscribers

141 ratings

Videos to help you create wealth by investing like Warren Buffett. Case Studies, Stock Analysis, Market Updates & Fundamental Concepts. I am Varun Agarwal. I am a Chartered Accountant & Serial Entrepreneur. I am a mentor for budding entrepreneurs and investors. I will be creating exclusive videos especially for you on topics such as: - Stock market investing for beginners - Stock market news of India - Stock market investment strategies - Investor success stories - Investing tips - How to create wealth - Business Models & Case studies of different companies - Share Prices Updates - Share Market News Updates - Fundamental & Technical Analysis of stocks and much more. So, do SUBSCRIBE and don't miss any videos as just one video can change your life and lifestyle.


0 work 9.5K subscribers

28 ratings

内容涵盖一切跟赚钱有关的话题,股票,房产,职场,财经等等。 长期目标:严控回撤,稳定复利15-20%。牛市时跟上市场,熊市时超越市场! 博主背景:MBA海归,职业投资人。 自媒体是兴趣爱好,已财富自由,无需讨好任何人。


212 works 6.8K subscribers

99 ratings



0 work 4.2K subscribers

34 ratings

Hello, hope you are doing fine. let me share my forex trading journey and strategies with you here.
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