#Market Sentiment

191 Following 81 Works



9 works 1.7K subscribers

30 ratings

Zack King is well known in Malaysia as MVP Pro Trader team trade economics and fundamentals. We had educated over 5,000 students in recent 12 years trading.


11 works 4.4K subscribers

10 ratings

Samrat is a seasoned Tech + Strategy consultant. He has been in the crypto and Blockchain space since 2014. He is presently the Regional Head of Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and a member of the Project Governance Board at EEA. He is the Co-chair of Baseline Protocol, a data synchronization protocol co-founded by Microsoft, E&Y, and ConsenSys. He is a Node Operator at Baseledger.net, which is a zkp-ready L1 Blockchain driven by UBT tokens. He has run a weekly YouTube live show for the past 1.5 years. He is also a guest columnist at The Economic Times, India's largest news daily with over 8mn+ daily views. Samrat made several public appearances as a crypto and Blockchain expert at various prestigious events and news channels.
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