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Sun Channel

0 作品数 507 订阅者


Sun Channel 是一個多元化的生活資訊平台。 投資理財方面,Sun Channel突破傳統財經頻道的局限,除一般財經資訊介紹,我們也專訪各大基金經理、操盤專家及專業分析師,探索理財投資之行內秘密,增加觀眾對金融財經的整體認識。 在社會議題上,我們通過文化推廣、訪問著名時事評論員及精英企業家,提供結合學術與實用的多角度社會資訊,期望引起各方對社會時事的關注和政經局勢的了解。


0 作品数 1265 订阅者


加薪無望甚至擔心被裁員?想增加收入卻苦無方法?想短時間獲利但又不懂投資?技術分析太多術語:陰陽燭、移動平均線、市盈率、市帳率、回報率、周息率、RSI、週期⋯⋯還有各種衍生工具、牛熊證,讓投資新手頭昏腦漲、老手被假訊號迷惑看錯方向。稍一不慎不單賺不到錢,更慘的是輸光血汗錢。如果你想學習最簡單實用的投資方法,聰明地用錢賺錢,那麼恭喜你來對地方了! 「炒出個未來」就是為了讓散戶甚至專業投資者可以善用手上的資金,抗通脹、增加收入,甚至財務自由。

Stock Moe

0 作品数 504 订阅者


The Stock Moe is packed full of all the best free stock picks available. I truly am trying to create something special with this channel in hopes of helping as many people as possible with skill set when it comes to research and stock selection. I have won two national championships and 15 state championships with my students when it comes to investing and was a licensed stockbroker and financial advisor with my series 7 and 63 before that.I do go over the Stock Moe Patreon and give you a Stock Moe Patreon Review about the Stock Moe Discord. The Stock Moe Discord has thousands of members who are all working toward financial freedom. You can get to the Stock Moe Discord by signing up for the Stock Moe Patreon. I hope that you enjoy which includes the following topics: Stocks, stock price predictions, EV stocks, Cryptocurrency, Nio, Ethereum, and more!


0 作品数 504 订阅者


I'm really excited to have you on my channel. My goal is to share everything I learn about the stock markets, investing, fundamental and technical analysis. You'll find videos related to Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, and Macro Economic Analysis and updates on the US markets and economy. We also do regular market commentary on the S&P 500 and NASDAQ market benchmarks.


0 作品数 504 订阅者


5paisa is the fastest growing discount broker app with 2 million happy customers and over 7 million app users. 5paisa offers all financial services like Equity Trading, Mutual Funds, Insurance, Research Products, Commodity and Currency Trading, Digital Gold Investment, US Stocks and more. We offer knowledge and information about stocks, market updates, product information, app usage techniques, connect you with industry experts and help you learn the basics of investing and more. We also talk about innovative products and services that we curate for our valued customers. We do not recommend any individual stocks, we believe that the investor should do thorough research before investing, and keep in mind their goals and risk appetite. You can learn everything about investing and the stock market at our 5P School and explore ideas of investing. #AbTohSabkoPataHai, Investing Made Easy and Rewarding* only with 5paisa.


0 作品数 504 订阅者


Trader's Home Task (THT) helps you to do your home task in trading in preparation for the working day in the U.S. stock market. It can link Advanced Get/ESignal, Thinkorswim, MBT Desktop Pro, Arche Pro, Takion, Graybox, Laser and other windows together, manage a list of tickers, load only NYSE trades, take screenshots, hide in tray, show sector & industry information, add tickers directly from Finviz, and has a wide list of hotkeys.


0 作品数 503 订阅者


全職投資者,擁有超過13年投資經驗,擅長技術分析,股票課程導師、《大戶手記》Telegram頻道作者,牛牛圈超過2.2萬粉絲。 投資十誡: 1.別用以往價格作有力參考,市場現有價格最能反映公司狀況。 2.賺錢的公司股價可以不升,反之亦然。 3.不要經常作猜測﹐盡量減少雜訊。 4.購買該公司股票,是代表看好公司未來,不是往績。 5.優先考慮風險,其次時間成本,盈利最後。 6.學會止損 ,習慣止損。 7.善於在自己領域投資。 8.寧願買貴也不要貪便宜。 9.多觀察,多學習,少操作。 10.經常了解自己持股和現金比例,並且保留後備資金等機會來臨。


0 作品数 503 订阅者


Financial-Spread-Betting.com is where betting and finance meets, on the trading floor. This is a place where we can inform, and educate little, and hopefully entertain a little too. Spread betting is an efficient way to trade the financial markets as you pay no stamp duty or CGT on any profits you make. This is because the activity is regulated as gambling, as opposed to investing, which means spread traders don't pay taxes on their winnings unless spread betting is their primary source of income. Spreadbets allow you to trade a wide range of instruments ranging from shares, indices, forex, commodities, bonds and interest rates - all this without actually owning the underlying asset in question. This allows traders to speculate on an asset's value rising or falling in price and this coupled with the amount of leverage that spread betting offers and the tax free benefits make this trading medium a very flexible choice.


0 作品数 503 订阅者


創作者為特許金融分析師 (Chartered Financial Analyst) 以及統計學碩士,曾任對沖基金分析員、證券行炒房、家族公司資產管理以及金融監管機構,經驗覆蓋基本因素分析、衍生工具操作、數據計量分析、投資產品特性、投資市場法規及結構以及不同大型投資者投資手法非常了解。 現時投資主要以中長線出發,由下而上進行分析並制定投資方式及資產配置,以個人投資者以及投資博客繼續事業。頻道以及網誌內容透過創作者多年專業經驗,以專業的眼光嚴格選擇和撰寫,讓讀者在投資理財上DIY。 投資成功的人什少是上投資課程煉成的,上堂只能得到有如紮馬的基本功,只有親自落場才會成長,跟學游水一樣,多游才會進步。大部份失敗的原因都是投資選擇太少,不論是投資理或投資工具的認識不足,導致投資過度集中使用其中一兩項,孤注一擲導致虧損。

FX Forever

0 作品数 318 订阅者


FX Forever providing you Free Forex Training in Urdu & English languages. So, Are you ready to Learn Forex Trading? We will give you Forex Training, Forex Tips, Forex Strategies, and many more profitable material to make you real Forex profitable trader.


0 作品数 149 订阅者




0 作品数 280 订阅者


寻找中国的投资机会? 认识真实的中国商业社会? 最新鲜的华语财经资讯、最有利的A股投资机会、华人经济最犀利的观点 从最新财经资讯、金融市场评述到专题商业节目, 第一财经为你发现中国商业世界的新机遇。 中国最专业、最值得信赖的财经媒体第一财经,登陆YouTube! Welcome to the official YouTube channel for China Business Network. Looking for China’s investment opportunities? Interested in understanding China’s business landscape? From latest business and markets news to featured business programs, CBN uncovers China’s business world for you. Our YouTube Channel offers you first-hand information and insights from China’s most professional and trusted financial media. 第一财经是上海广播电视台、上海文化广播影视集团有限公司旗下财经板块。第一财经目前是中国规模最大、品种最完整的财经媒体集团,拥有第一财经电视、第一财经日报、第一财经周刊、第一财经网站、第一财经移动端等媒体平台。 China Business Network, a subsidiary of Shanghai Media Group, is China’s largest and most trusted financial media conglomerate with the widest variety of media divisions, including television, newspaper, magazine, website and mobile APP.


0 作品数 502 订阅者


About Us ——————————————————— 路易士 加密貨幣Day trader,精通比特幣期貨合約,波段交易,揀選潛力加密貨幣 ”HODL”,DeFi 操作。 擅用基本型態,一目雲圖,MACD,RSI,EMA,CCI 等進行技術分析。 區塊鏈技術愛好者,熱愛科技,熱愛加密貨幣。研究量化投資,喜歡閲讀,喜歡Coding。 10年前開始股票、基金、衍生品投資。跟大部分投資者的路徑相似,「輸錢皆因贏錢起」。教訓讓我反思自己的不足,從此下定決心了解研讀投資心理、觀念及操作。 自2017年芝加哥商品交易所(CME)推出比特幣期貨。該年比特幣價格大為波動,牽動我進入比特幣期貨市場。逐漸建構出一套屬於加密貨幣的投資心法及操作。

Andrew's Trading Channel

0 作品数 154 订阅者


Welcome to our Day Trading for beginners and experienced traders. If you’re new to Online trading & strategies & brokers then this channel is for you. I have been trading FOREX full time for the past 6 years. In this Trading Channel you’ll learn how to successfully day trade Forex, Stock Market, Swing & Day Trading and Cryptocurrency. Including good money management, setting up your charts and choose the right assets to trade.

Forex School Online

0 作品数 3222 订阅者


Forex School Online with Johnathon Fox is the number one website on the internet for traders to learn how to trade Forex Price Action. Through it's free trading videos and extensive online education, Forex School Online is helping traders to throw away their indicators and to learn how to become confident and successful traders with raw price action trading.

Late Night Stocks

0 作品数 248 订阅者


Fact-based stock market analysis for everyone. We are expat engineers in Germany with master's degrees. The skills that we have improved during our education, such as critical thinking, mental endurance, and learning passion help us to succeed in the stock market. We enjoy investing and want to share our knowledge with people, using our stock checklist and fact-based analysis. To access Late Night Stocks Portfolio, support us on Patreon!

Jay Take Profits

0 作品数 2.6万 订阅者


My mission, powered by TEAM TAKE PROFITS, is to assemble like-minded, positive entrepreneurs, from varying fields of expertise and knowledge, and provide them with personal development, and the trading skill set absolutely necessary to achieve massive profits funneling into wealth. I seek to empower business owners and increase the personal economies of my team members.
关于我们 用户协议隐私政策风险披露认证协议社区准则 帮助中心 意见反馈
App Store Android


金融工具交易属于高风险投资活动,有导致部分或全部投资本金损失的风险,可能不适合所有投资者。本网站所包含的任何观点、聊天信息、通知、新闻资讯、研究调查、分析、价格或其他信息都是作为一般市场信息提供的,仅供教育和娱乐之用,并不构成投资建议。 所有的观点、市场行情、推荐或任何其他内容可能随时会改变,恕不另行通知。Trading.live对因使用或根据这些信息而直接或间接造成的任何损失或损害概不负责。

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