فصل 42  Market Analysis Articles May 29th

Market Analysis 29th May 2023


EURUSD trying to move higher on Friday to reach our resistance as expected but get rejected by our 20-period moving average. EURUSD currently running at 1.0722.

Market Analysis Articles May 29th-صورة 1

At the time of writing, the four-hour Stochastic indicator is moves in the middle, the price is still moving below the 20-period moving average. We are expected that EURUSD will move slightly higher to try to break our 20-period moving average at 1.0740 and reach our new resistance level at 1.0766.

Resistance: 1.0766, 1.0801

Support: 1.0702, 1.0671


Gold able to move higher on Friday and reached our resistance level as expected, but then moves back lower. Gold currently is running at $1,944.

Market Analysis Articles May 29th-صورة 2

At the time of writing, the four-hour Stochastic indicator is moving in the middle, the price is still moving BELOW the 20-period moving average. We expect that Gold will move slightly back higher for today and reach our resistance level which also our 20-period moving average at $1,954.

Resistance: $1,954, $1,975

Support: $1,934, $1,913


GBPUSD able to moves higher on Friday and reach above our resistance level as expected. Currently, GBPUSD is trading at 1.2347 just below our resistance level.

Market Analysis Articles May 29th-صورة 3

As of this writing, the four-hour Stochastic indicator is moving in the middle, the price is moving BELOW the 20-period moving average. We expect GBPUSD to move slightly higher and try to break above our resistance level at 1.2356.

Resistance: 1.2356, 1.2443

Support: 1.2273, 1.2187


SPXUSD moves higher on Friday and open jump even higher in today’s open market and break our resistance levels as expected. SPXUSD currently is running at 4222.

Market Analysis Articles May 29th-صورة 4

As of this writing, the four-hour Stochastic indicator is moving lower in the overbought area and the price now moving above the 20-period moving average. We expect that SPXUSD might continue moving higher for today and try to reach our new resistance level at 4264.

Resistance: 4264, 4304

Support: 4206, 4153


USOUSD (WTI) moves higher on Friday as expected and able to reach our resistance level at 73.50 before moves slightly lower still between our support and resistance levels. Currently USOUSD is trading at 73.20 just below our resistance level.

Market Analysis Articles May 29th-صورة 5

As of the time of writing, the four-hour Stochastic indicator is moving higher trying to enter the overbought area, the price is moving just around the 20-period moving average. We expect that USOUSD to move higher and break above our resistance level at 73.50.

Resistance: 73.51, 75.11

Support: 71.73, 70.40

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