#معنويات السوق

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11 ملف 3ألف مشترك

اشترك 10 مستخدم في التقييم

Samrat is a seasoned Tech + Strategy consultant. He has been in the crypto and Blockchain space since 2014. He is presently the Regional Head of Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and a member of the Project Governance Board at EEA. He is the Co-chair of Baseline Protocol, a data synchronization protocol co-founded by Microsoft, E&Y, and ConsenSys. He is a Node Operator at Baseledger.net, which is a zkp-ready L1 Blockchain driven by UBT tokens. He has run a weekly YouTube live show for the past 1.5 years. He is also a guest columnist at The Economic Times, India's largest news daily with over 8mn+ daily views. Samrat made several public appearances as a crypto and Blockchain expert at various prestigious events and news channels.
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