#العرض والطلب

601 قم بالتركيز على 159 ملف

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6 ملف 511 مشترك

اشترك 26 مستخدم في التقييم

Mr. Shehzad Hussein has vast experience in the financial markets with a Diploma in Investment Analysis & a Degree in Finance, he used this knowledge to dive into the markets as a trader back in 2011 and never looked back since. He makes a living as metals trader and has been a silent trader until now. He feels that with his experience, he would like to venture into educating up & coming traders and to share his experience and knowledge of the markets with them. He will also be pursuing his MSTA in the near future. He is also the founder of "FOREX ASIA" a Facebook community group where trader can come together and discuss everything trading.


1 ملف 503 مشترك

اشترك 10 مستخدم في التقييم

Welcome to our Forex Trading Worker YT Channel. This Page is made For Beginners who want to learn & understand FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Here we are helping many people who are wanting to learn about Forex Trading. We will post and share content related to Market Updates, Analysis, Forecast and Trading Ideas. Thanks for Keep supporting and watching!


95 ملف 6آلاف مشترك

اشترك 61 مستخدم في التقييم

Welcome to an online forex trading academy, where we focus on breaking down different technical methods of trading. E.g. Smart money concepts, Wyckoff theory, Supply & Demand, Support & Resistance and Eliott wave theory. Do follow us on our handles for daily analysis, educative contents and chart replays for backtesting and study purposes. To connect with Jayfx, please use our social media handles using the links below.
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