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  • The meaning of RBR Simplified by Jayfx

The meaning of RBR Simplified by Jayfx

📊 Traders SAVE THIS: (RBR) is a term used in supply and demand trading to describe a specific price pattern that signifies potential trading opportunities. Below is a breakdown of the pattern. 📚 RALLY (ADVANCE): The pattern starts with a strong upward price movement or rally. This rally indicates increased buying pressure and a potential shift in demand. 📚 BASE (CONSOLIDATION): After the rally, there is a period of consolidation or sideways movement. This phase represents a balance between buying and selling forces, creating a base of support. 📚 RALLY (SECOND ADVANCE): Following the consolidation, there is another strong upward move or rally. This second rally often indicates a renewed and potentially stronger demand, breaking through the previous high. Traders using the RBR pattern typically look for opportunities to enter long positions (buy) during the consolidation phase, anticipating the continuation of the uptrend in the second rally. Follow @jayforexhouse for more.

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