فصل 2  What Timeframe Should You Trade?

For new traders the concept of the multiple frame analysis in particular can seem complex and overwhelming. One of the reasons newbie forex traders don’t do as well as they should is because they’re usually trading the wrong time frame for their personality. They’ll start trading small time frames like the 1-minute or 5-minute charts for wanting to get rich quickly, then they end up getting frustrated definitely because the time frame doesn’t fit their personality.

Or most traders pick their one time-frame and then almost never leave it. They are so locked into their time frame that they forget about the bigger picture. The other extreme are traders that constantly jump from time frame to time frame without much of a plan. Those traders are mostly driven by emotions and trade very impulsively. And finally, they all fail.

What forex time frame should be traded?

The most important thing to remember is that whatever time frame you choose to trade, it should naturally fit your personality.

You’ll always feel some kind of pressure or sense of frustration when you’re in a trade because real money is involved. But you shouldn’t feel that the reason for the pressure is because things are happening so fast that you find it difficult to make decisions or so slowly that you get frustrated.

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