فصل 1  Why You Need a Forex Trading Journal

Why You Need a Forex Trading Journal-صورة 1

A trading journal is one of the most effective tools for performance management. It is where you record and review daily trades for better output and for future reference. A journal can help you track progress as well as study mistakes made when entering or exiting a trade. In the long run, these reports can act as the foundation for better executions.

You may ask why it is important to keep a journal when you have all your trades in the account history section of your platform? There are a number of benefits to keeping a separate trading journal:

● Build careful framework for strategies

Successful trading relies on a profitable framework where you can develop your strategies. Through meticulous recording of relevant details, all calculations and moves made during the trade session can be properly examined. This framework can determine the success of your trades and can avoid future mishaps for a more ideal trading strategy.

● Manage emotional triggers

A successful career in forex trading has a lot to do with psychology and mental state. Most forex traders experience certain emotion that could lead to unplanned actions. Having a trading journal allows you to take note of everything you felt and learned from a trade. This practice enables

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