فصل 1  What is Non-Parm Payroll Report?

The Non-Farm Payroll (NFP) report is a key economic indicator that can have significant impacts on investment decisions. The NFP report is released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on the first Friday of every month and provides information on employment and unemployment in the U.S. economy.

Investors pay close attention to the NFP report because it can provide insights into the strength and direction of the economy. If the NFP report shows strong job growth and a low unemployment rate, it is generally seen as a positive sign for the economy and can lead to upward pressure on stocks and downward pressure on bonds. This can make stocks more attractive to investors, as they may see stronger potential for growth and increased corporate profits. On the other hand, if the NFP report shows weak job growth and a high unemployment rate, it is generally seen as a negative sign for the economy and can lead to downward/>/>

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