ICT Psychology Mentorship - Intro

Chandan Gupta
غرفة الدردشة
عملات رقمية تداول إستراتجية التداول تداول قصير الأجل التعليم البث المباشر حول التداول BTC
82097 مشاهدة وقت البث المباشر:
مقدمة البث المباشر
The 3 Steps Every Struggling Trader Should Immediately Take To Stop Over Trading, Impulse Trading, and Revenge Trading, While Installing Iron-Clad Discipline. STEP 1: For the sake of your trading career, PLEASE wake up and face the cold, hard truth. STEP 2: Learn and accept this key fact. STEP 3: This is the most important step to turning your trading around. This is a much shortened list of the subconscious programs that control your trading psychology, which controls your trading performance. This new program lets you walk away as a temporary loser, in order to win big over the long term. How to delete the subconscious programs that are sabotaging your trading and trading psychology… so you can trade your method and take the profits the market offers you.
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