فصل 3  Chapter Two: Unleashing the Power of Trading Systems: A Fresh Perspective on Basic Trading Technique

When it comes to trading techniques, I know that many readers will be very interested. However, I must warn you that the techniques described in this chapter may disappoint you. Rather, what I am describing is a different perspective. Many people have an overly complicated understanding of trading techniques, but in reality, it often results in trying too hard. Trading is not about studying rocket science, there is nothing too mysterious about it.
In a trader's career, it is impossible to achieve consistent profits based on just a few tricks. It is necessary to construct a system. If you find academic definitions of a system too abstract, perhaps you can think of your own body's operation. The human body has eight major systems, including the digestive system, immune system, and nervous system. These systems operate in a step-by-step and goal-oriented manner. Similarly, a trading system also requires a clear definition of the information needed, specific steps in information processing, and ultimately clear output results.
Before delving into the trading system, I must first mention some logical issues. While designing a trading system may not require exceptional logical reasoning abilities, at the very least, one must understand logical knowledge such as major premises, minor premises, and conclusions. From the perspective of designing a trading system, one must first have a clear understanding of the assumptions underlying the operation of the trading system. This is because, in many cases, the ultimate application of a system depends on whether the assumptions made during its design are close to reality. Once there/>/>

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