فصل 5  The Three Steps to Trader Growth

In the field of psychology and many other disciplines, the debate between nature and nurture has been ongoing. The question of whether one's traits and abilities are determined by genetics or environment remains a philosophical and even religious issue, with no side achieving significant victory. Interestingly, among our senior traders, there is a belief that trading requires innate talent, and no amount of training can compensate for its absence.

As previously mentioned, our research found no evidence to support either the trait theory or the environmental theory. However, our findings revealed that a trader exhibits different characteristics and ideas at various stages of their trading career. We also discovered a variable that significantly correlates with a trader's level of success, and that variable is trading volume, which refers to the number of trades made.
The identification of a variable to measure a trader's level is crucial, similar to understanding one's own soldiers in military operations. While many trading rooms use returns to measure a trader's level, I believe this approach is simplistic and lacks sophistication./>/>/>

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