فصل 3  Do Traders Believe in Analysts?

The previous passage briefly introduced the essence of investment, which is trading. Trading is a zero-sum game, meaning that gains by one trader come at the expense of another. If you provide trading services, you can make money without requiring much technical expertise. However, if you trade yourself, you will either become successful or lose everything after decades. This is similar to the difference between being an employee and a boss. Diligent work as an employee will provide some savings over time, while being a boss can result in significant income or negative assets. From my experience in the industry, a trained trader can make a living through trading, while an untrained trader will likely give up within three years. There are many tricks to learn, which we will discuss later, but it's essential to understand the difference between a trader and an analyst and what distinguishes these two professions.
The term "trader" refers to individuals who actively participate in trading, while analysts constitute a separate profession. In European and American/>

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