The truth behind the "1%" stat.

Warren's Trading Titans

I'm sure you've heard the stat: "99% of traders lose money, only 1% make it"

It sounds discouraging when you first hear it, but let's take a deeper look:

Those studies make no effort to separate serious traders from amateurs. They include everyone who's ever opened a trading account. That includes your uncle, brother, neighbor, etc. Obviously, they'll add to the losing statistic.

It's like saying "99% of people who ever tried chess are not good at it"

Everyone has tried chess. How many have spent years learning their craft? How many play competitively?

If I'd wanna become a pro chess player, I wouldn't want to look at every single person that's ever tried, I'd want to see how I stack up against serious chess players.

Same thing with traders. If you took all the traders who've spent 5+ years trading everyday, I GUARANTEE their success rate is far higher than 1%.

So don't get discouraged. It will not be easy, but you have a serious shot at this if you genuinely study and what you're supposed to do. Don't let these biased studies or anyone tell you otherwise.

Copyright reserved to the author

Last updated: 11/29/2023 08:35

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