What conditions are needed to achieve stable profitability?
There are 3 major elements of stable and profitable trading: 1. Stable system 2. Stable execution 3. Stable mentality. The three elements of profitability complement each other and influence each other.A good system guides good execution, good execution brings good results, good results bring good mood, and good mood will in turn promote execution. But having said that, any mature trading system, including the original system, can only solve the first basic element. And stable execution and stable mentality cannot be solved by any system itself. A system is only a method of trading, not the result of trading. To form a profitable state of sustainable operation, not only the system is needed, but also one's own trading quality. Without any one piece, the wheel of profitability cannot move forward.
Why is it so hard for an analyst to be the best trader?
Why do we still fail to trade after learning so many trading indicators?
How to do a practical Martin strategy with limited funds?
Can you do Martin strategy with limited trading funds? Any suggestions or ways to do it? I am a novice, and I want to try Martin's strategy with a small amount of money. I beg you to let me know!
What would you say to yourself if you went back to your first day in trading?