5 signs that the foreign exchange platform is ready to run away! Alternative thinking triggered by the "crash case" of a certain foreign exchange platform!

Three-State System Notes
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In foreign exchange trading, the security of the platform is always the most important thing. For foreign exchange investors, the most painful thing is that the account is profitable, but the platform runs away, and the wealth in the account returns to zero in a blink of an eye. As an ordinary investor, how to prevent the risk of running away from the foreign exchange platform? Today we will talk about this topic.

According to my experience, before the platform runs away, there are often some abnormal situations on the platform. If the following five abnormal situations appear on the platform, it may be a sign that the platform is going to run away.

Symptom 1: Abnormal marketing activities occur.

If it is an informal platform, before the problem occurs, large-scale abnormal marketing activities may be carried out, such as large-scale bonuses or guaranteed profit promotions, in order to attract traders to deposit. For example, if you deposit 1W and get 1W free, this is no longer a pie, it is simply shark fin soup from the sky. This approach is undoubtedly the use of greed, the most difficult to overcome in human nature. The result is that when the deposit is almost done, they immediately harvest and run away.

Symptom 2: The order on the platform is abnormal.

Before running away, some platforms will make a fuss about platform orders, and abnormal orders appear frequently, causing a lot of additional losses. If you find that your order is frequently abnormal, and there are other people who have the same experience as you, then it is time to be vigilant. Because it takes time to process abnormal orders, and this also leaves time for the platform to run.

Symptom 3: It is difficult to withdraw funds.

If the platform side explains to you with various excuses, it is because of certain reasons that the withdrawal cannot be made, or the withdrawal is restricted, such as only a part of the funds can be withdrawn, etc. The withdrawal time was also delayed again and again, one week after another week. Those are all signs of platform danger. Just like PTFX Puton before, there were concentrated difficulties in withdrawing funds before the liquidation.

Symptom 4: Third-party early warning.

In the foreign exchange market, media such as Forex 110 and SkyEye will monitor the real-time operating status of each platform, and they will be able to detect changes in which platforms earlier, and will issue an early warning. Therefore, you can usually observe the information of this third-party media. Although it may not be completely accurate, it can be used as a reference. If they prompt a certain platform to trade risks, then you must be vigilant.

Symptom 5: The website is not updated, and the official customer service does not respond.

The current foreign exchange trading business mostly relies on the Internet, so the official website of a platform is very important. If the official website of a foreign exchange platform stops updating, or does not update its content for a long time.

Or the official QQ, WeChat, customer service and other channels are difficult to contact, and the problem is not solved perfunctorily, then you also need to pay attention, these situations indicate that the platform may have operational difficulties.

In short, if the above five points appear on the platform, especially if several situations occur at the same time, then we must pay attention to it. Although this does not mean that the platform will definitely run away, it is always right to keep an extra eye on it. If it is determined that there is a problem, timely withdrawal of funds is the best policy, and the green hills left are not afraid of running out of firewood! Investing is a long-term business, and you can't be too careful.

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Last updated: 08/17/2023 01:56

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