I'm sure you've heard the stat: "99% of traders lose money, only 1% make it"
It sounds discouraging when you first hear it, but let's take a deeper look:
Those studies make no effort to separate serious traders from amateurs. They include everyone who's ever opened a trading account. That includes your uncle, brother, neighbor, etc. Obviously, they'll add to the losing statistic.
It's like saying "99% of people who ever tried chess are not good at it"
Everyone has tried chess. How many have spent years learning their craft? How many play competitively?
If I'd wanna become a pro chess player, I wouldn't want to look at every single person that's ever tried, I'd want to see how I stack up against serious chess players.
Same thing with traders. If you took all the traders who've spent 5+ years trading everyday, I GUARANTEE their success rate is far higher than 1%.
So don't get discouraged. It will not be easy, but you have a serious shot at this if you genuinely study and what you're supposed to do. Don't let these biased studies or anyone tell you otherwise.