I resigned yesterday, due at the end of the month, I want to do trading full-time, but I don’t know how far this road can go?
Is trend following a false proposition?
Why don't you see trend followers among those who are making steady profits?Stanley Crowe disappeared, and Turtle founder Richard Dennis went into politics after a huge loss.If you want to make long-term stable profits, should you follow the trend, or should you accumulate small profits to make a tower?
How to understand the phrase "the simpler the trading system, the better"?
What is the degree of simplicity here? Or the simplicity here is not what I thought, just use a few indicators, so what do you think of this sentence?
Why do many people say that those who use naked k to make orders are masters?
Profitable & consistent daytraders, how much did you lose before making it?
Curious to know how my fellow traders are doing out there What is your personal amount/story?