Why do we still fail to trade after learning so many trading indicators?
Is trend following a false proposition?
Why don't you see trend followers among those who are making steady profits?Stanley Crowe disappeared, and Turtle founder Richard Dennis went into politics after a huge loss.If you want to make long-term stable profits, should you follow the trend, or should you accumulate small profits to make a tower?
Do you feel lonely doing business?
Watching trends and doing analysis until late at night, no one cares about losses, no one applauds profits, good or bad, only you know, are you lonely? Do you enjoy solitude?
Are you happy doing business?
There is no such question, so I mention it.
How do you maintain your concentration while trading?
How do you maintain your concentration while trading? How do you avoid getting bored or experiencing burnout from constantly monitoring the charts, all while staying attentive to your trading activities?In my case, the struggle arises from excessive chart-watching, leading to boredom during quiet market moments or fatigue from over-attentiveness. There are times when the perfect trading setup emerges, but I'm either too tired or not mentally prepared to take action.Do any of you engage in activities like watching TV or listening to music to help? Any advice to share?